The Pinnacle of Accuracy and Efficiency
The Pinnacle of Accuracy and Efficiency
고성능 적외선 열화상 카메라로, 누수탐지를 포함하여 다양한 산업 분야에서 활용 가능합니다.
NSIR Mobir Air
This portable thermal imaging camera can be connected to a smartphone. It is versatile and particularly useful for tasks such as pre-inspection of apartments, privacy protection (detecting hidden cameras), and leak detection. The MobIR camera is compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry, and it operates with a simple plug-and-play system.
Equipped with cutting-edge technology, the HIKMICRO AD21 Acoustic Leak Detector is a smart solution for quickly and accurately resolving leak issues.
Leak Detection Equipment Training Program
The first step to becoming an expert in solving leak issues! The Leak Detection Equipment Training Program offers hands-on training based on the latest technology, allowing you to quickly and accurately master leak detection techniques.