The Pinnacle of Accuracy and Efficiency

The Pinnacle of Accuracy and Efficiency


고성능 적외선 열화상 카메라로, 누수탐지를 포함하여 다양한 산업 분야에서 활용 가능합니다.

  • 256×192 해상도를 실시간 초고해상도 기능으로 512×384 해상도까지 업스케일링이 가능합니다.
  • Unbeatable Value for Money
  • 넓은 온도 측정 범위 (-20°C ~ 550°C)
  • 견고한 디자인: 최대 2m 높이 낙하 테스트 통과, IP54 등급
  • 11시간의 배터리 사용 시간, 완충 단 2.5시간

NSIR Mobir Air

This portable thermal imaging camera can be connected to a smartphone. It is versatile and particularly useful for tasks such as pre-inspection of apartments, privacy protection (detecting hidden cameras), and leak detection. The MobIR camera is compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry, and it operates with a simple plug-and-play system.

  • Smooth 25 Hz Display
  • Real-Time Temperature Display
  • Hassle-Free, No Charging Required
청음식 누수탐지기


Equipped with cutting-edge technology, the HIKMICRO AD21 Acoustic Leak Detector is a smart solution for quickly and accurately resolving leak issues.

  • The high-sensitivity sensor accurately identifies leak points and supports prompt repairs.
  • Through a smart algorithm, it provides noise cancellation and suspected leak area analysis, enhancing detection accuracy.
  • Its ergonomic design makes it easy to carry and use, ensuring comfort even during long hours of operation.
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누수탐지 교육

Leak Detection Equipment Training Program

The first step to becoming an expert in solving leak issues! The Leak Detection Equipment Training Program offers hands-on training based on the latest technology, allowing you to quickly and accurately master leak detection techniques.

  • Training on the Latest Equipment: Hands-on training focused on the use of advanced tools, including the HIKMICRO AD21 Acoustic Leak Detector.
  • Expert Instructors: Professionals with extensive field experience provide training based on leak detection theory and real-world application cases.
  • Field-focused Practical Training: Hands-on practice in environments similar to real job sites helps you quickly and accurately master leak detection techniques.
View the Training Curriculum